The West Coast Swing San Diego community is rich with multiple weekly dances, lessons and two yearly competitions. Check out the WCS weekly dance calendar here! This page is updated often with the latest directory of social West Coast swing San Diego dance venues including local Elks & Moose lodges, dance studios, nightclubs, West Coast Swing events, deejays, instructors, classes and artists/musicians.
West Coast Swing San Diego, July 14th to July 30th!

- Saturday, July 14th, WCS SD @ Movement, 8 PM, $10
- Sunday, July 15th, SD Swing Club @ El Cajon Elks, 3 PM, $5 (members), $7
- Monday, July 16th, NO Monday Westie Practice @ Movement Ctr, 8:30 PM
- Tuesday, July 17th, West Coast Swing SD @ Tango del Rey, 8:30 PM, $7
- Wednesday, July 18th, None
- Thursday, July 19th, Swinging Thursdays@ Starlight, 8:30 PM
- Friday, July 20th, FUNtastic Fridays WCS@ Studio K (Kearny Mesa), $10
- Saturday, July 21st, WCS SD @ Movement, 8 PM, $10
- Sunday, July 22nd, SD Swing Club @ El Cajon Elks, 3 PM, $5 (members), $7
- Monday, July 23rd, Monday Westie Practice @ Movement Ctr, 8:30 PM
- Tuesday, July 24th, West Coast Swing SD @ Tango del Rey, 8:30 PM, $7
- Wednesday, July 25th, None
- Thursday, July 26th, Swinging Thursdays@ Starlight, 8:30 PM
- Friday, July 27th, FUNtastic Fridays WCS@ Studio K (Kearny Mesa), $10
- Saturday, July 28th, Project Swing WCS@ Starlight, 8:30 PM, $10
- Note: International Flashmob WCS (aka International Rally West Coast Swing 2018) workshops start on Saturdays, July 7th through August at Georgia’s School of Dance (Escondido), 1 PM, taught by Maria Tee, map
Tuesday, July 17th & 24th, Teach/DJ: Jade Ruiz
- Admission: $7
- Food Available
- Beer/Wine
- 7:30pm Free Intro WCS lesson
- 8:30pm Open Dancing
3567 Del Rey St
San Diego, CA 92109
2nd Wednesday @ Cheers Bar
Wednesday, August 8th (normally 2nd Wednesdays)
- No Cover Charge
- Food Available & Full Bar
- 7:30pm Lesson ($5), Jade
- 8:30pm Open Dancing, DJ’s Jade & Annette
9995 Carmel Mountain Rd
San Diego, CA 92129
Swinging Thursdays @Starlight Studio
- 8:30-10:30 PM, $5 (dance only)
- 7:30 PM: Beg. WCS Lesson, Rotating Instructors
- 8:30 PM Open Dancing
- Admission: $5 ($10 for class & dance)
6506 El Cajon Blvd
San Diego, CA 92115
Cancelled Until Further Notice
Westie Jam WCS @ TBA
Next Dance Party: TBA
Guest Teachers: TBA
Deejay: TBA
- 7:00pm – 1.5 hour Beginning WCS
- 7:00pm — Intermediate WCS
- 7:45pm – Intermediate/Advanced WCS
- 8:30pm to ??? – Dance till you drop
2441 Impala Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92010
Saturdays – See Venues
- 1st Swing Night Out
Dance Unlimited Perf. Arts Academy – (Oceanside) - 2nd West Coast Swing Movement
- 3rd Innovations Dance Club
Starlight Dance Studio – SDSU Area - 4th Project Swing by Parker Dearborn
Starlight Dance Studio – SDSU Area - 5th “End of the Line” with Jade & Chris
Synergy Dance Zone – Mira Mesa (Pyramid)
Sunday Swing @ The Elks Lodge – San Diego Swing Dance Club
Members $5.00
Non-Members $7.00
3pm to 4pm – Beginner Lesson
4pm to 7pm – Dance
1400 E. Washington Ave.
El Cajon CA 92019
West Coast Swing San Diego Lessons
- Monday Westie Practice (2nd & 4th Mondays @ Movement Dance Center)
- Beginner & Intermediate w/ Mark Pablo @ Dance For 2 (Clairemont Mesa)
- Beginning WCS w/Brandy Richey @ Starlight Studio (La Mesa)
- Beginner & Intermediate w/Abigail Vogels @ The Gym (Del Mar)
- Int/Adv WCS w/ Brandy Richey @ Starlight Studio (La Mesa)
- WCS Fundamentals & WCS Int., Christopher & Rachel@ Dance North County (Encinitas)
- Beg/Int & Int/Adv WCS w/Tony Schubert & Larisa Tingle @ Starlight Studio (La Mesa)
- Beginner & Intermediate w/ Jade Ruiz @ Synergy Dance Zone (Mira Mesa),
- Beginner WCS w/Rotating instructors @ Starlight Studio (La Mesa)
WCS San Diego Competitions
WCS Articles
The West Coast swing is a living dance that evolves along with contemporary music but can still be danced to many different genres of music, read more about swing dance. Read about the history, styles, world festivals and competitions and a variety of articles at All About West Coast Swing Dance.
West Coast swing is one of the most popular partner dance genres in the world. It has spread globally to many countries including France, UK, Australia, Canada, Italy and more. DANCE TALK features articles on all of the partner dance genres including many articles on the West Coast swing.
- 25 West Coast Swing Dancers for 2015:
DanceTime Global culled dozens of West Coast Swing videos from 2013 & 2014 to find these West Coast swing performers and competitors. The dancers represent many different countries from around the world including Brazil, England, France, Canada, Australia, Russia and the United States.
The International West Coast Swing Flash Mob is an perfect example that demonstrates how dance is universal and thrives in a global community across borders, boundaries, cultures and religions. This video blog is a sample of West Coast Swing dance videos resulting from a collaborative effort by people in 23 countries, 78 cities and 3000+ dancers worldwide in the autumn of 2014.
- All About West Coast Swing: A comprehensive article on West Coast Swing includes links to world wide festivals, global videos, styles, history and links to WCS articles on the Internet.
- A Guide to West Coast Swing Technique features a discussion and videos on some very important West Coast swing dance techniques including rolling count, one-track walking, engaging the lats, contra body movement, initiate-respond techniqe, starting on the downbeat.
- Dance Music Upbeats & Downbeats describes what a “downbeat” and “upbeat” is and how to listen for and discriminate them in dance music.
- On West Coast Swing Pt. 1 discusses the spread of the dance through YouTube to all ages of dancers across the globe and the non-verbal dialogue social West Coast swing.
- On West Coast Swing Pt. 2 covers the evolution through the decades starting in the 1960’s to the present and changes due to codification for competition.
- On West Coast Swing Pt. 3 explains the fascination of dancers with the West Coast swing including the concept of connection, communication, core movement, leverage and compression and the use of stretch in the dance.
West Coast Swing San Diego Videos
Candid WCS Social Dancing Videos in San Diego
West Coast Swing San Diego Community Studios
West Coast swing is said to be a living dance because it continually evolves to fit contemporary music but it also works great for many different (past & present) types of music genres including: R&B, blues, soul, rock, pop, funk and ballads.
- Dance For 2 Studio
- Starlight Dance Studio
- Dance North County
- Synergy Dance Zone
West Coast Swing San Diego Dance Instructors
The West Coast Swing encourages a wide breadth of free expression. In fact, it has the most free expression for the dancer of all the partner dances, particularly, for the follow part. Dancers become very passionate about it because of its beautiful complexity. Accomplished West Coast swing dancers continue studying it in order to update their skills.
- Pattie Wells
- Tony Schubert
- Larisa Tingle Schubert
- Brandy Richey
- Mark Pablo
- Mike Anderson
- Parker Dearborn
- Jade Ruiz
- Christopher Chung
- Rachel Rivera
- Abigail Vogels