Tango movies and tango scenes in films have been very popular in the last couple of decades. So, what do all these Hollywood actors have in common: Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez, Colin Firth, Antonio Banderas, Jessica Biel, Gabrielle Anwar, Madonna and Al Pacino?
They all danced in famous tango movies or tango scenes on film. These movies include some very well known titles like Scent of a Woman, Take the Lead, Shall We Dance, Chicago, Easy Virtue and Evita. Each movie has a special essence that is forever captured in cinematography.
Fall In Love With Tango
Richard Gere’s character in the movie Shall We Dance falls in love with dance. It is an amazing movie where the emotions of dance come to life expressing the joy, fear and passion of learning (teaching), performing and competing. Definitely, one of the best tango movies among the group in this article.
Shall We Dance tango dance scene with Richard Gere & Jennifer Lopez
A Passion For Teaching Tango
Teaching others to dance is truly inspiring but involves a great deal of patience, understanding of human nature and communication skills. Sharing one’s passion for dance with others is an amazing experience. I have been blessed to teach to dance lessons for most of my adult life in San Diego, California, U.S.A., read Pattie Wells’ bio here. I love watching tango movies!
Antonio Banderas dancing tango in the movie Take The Lead
Tango Movies Performance Art
The artist reaches for excellence through dance performance. In this dance arena, beauty of movement is of utmost importance. The dancer creates a unique piece of art with their movement to music. It is an ekphrastic art form where one art, dance responds to another, music, read about the using flexion & extension in dance here.
“Cell Block Tango” group Tango performance in the movie Chicago (actresses this musical include Catherine Zeta-Jones and Renee Zellweger.
The Romance of Tango Movies
Dancing requires attention to the essence of the different dance genres. Each one has a unique feeling, attitude and style that is important to the dance. Also, the dancer takes in the essence of the music and expresses it on the dance floor. In addition, partner dancing adds the variable of two people sharing this unique moment, read about the different styles of swing and the styles of waltz.
Colin Firth & Jessica Biel in the movie Easy Virtue
Broken Tango
(Broken Tango from Step Up 3D)
Tango’s Touch Communication
Al Pacino portrays a blind mand in the Scent of Woman. Hence, the scene illustrates the non-verbal, tactile element of partner dancing, especially important in the tango. In addition, the art of leading and following require a kinesthetic ability using one’s sense of touch to communicate the movement that two people create, read about dance connection!
Al Pacino & Gabrielle Anwar’s tango in the movie Scent Of A Woman
Argentina: Tango Country
The Tango originated in Argentina and evolved then spread across the globe from there. Even so, it was at one time banned in Argentina but still thrived through the various political regimes. But, it is alive and well there today, read more about tango here.
Antonio Banderas and Madonna’s tango in the movie Evita!
(Photo Richard Gere & Jennifer Lopez’s Tango in Shall We Dance)
Watch/read more about Tango dancing here!
Actors: Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez, Colin Firth, Antonio Banderas, Jessica Biel, Gabrielle Anwar, Madonna and Al Pacino
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